A Course of Treatments
The accumulative effect of regular massage is really beneficial. If you would like to commit to having regular massage, whether this is to help address a specific condition, recurrent tension and pain, your emotional wellbeing or just having some well needed time to yourself, then a course of treatments may be for you. Buy 5 treatments, to be booked over no more than six months and get the 6th free. If you wish to mix and match treatments, the cost of the course will based on the average price. Full payment is requested at the beginning of the course.
Massage Treatment in Stroud
As appointments are pre-booked, we do not have set opening hours. This means we are flexible and can accommodate daytime, early evening and Saturday appointments. The Garden Room accepts cash, bank transfer or cheque payments only. Gift vouchers are available.
Enquire about this treatment
To arrange an appointment for request more details please Contact Sara at The Garden Room in Stroud.